Hi and welcome to my first blog,
I'm going to start by giving a shout out to my friends and family, well not really, just high to all who know me.
So heres the update of my life to now:-
Born in Gloucester UK went to Tredworth Infants and Junior school, life was tough back then lots of crap to deal with mainly from the system and certain individuals who shall remain nameless. Went to Longlevens Secondary modern school, life got better but still crap to deal with from the system and people. Went to College same thing but now began to realise that life is not fare, even when you play buy the rules and beat the system.
At this point so called friends said that I should not try to be more than I am. So I didn't listen to them, listened to family and true friends. went to University of Stafford, made some excellent life friends and enemies... discovered that the world truely is a wonderful and dangerous place.
Came back to Gloucester after graduating... got a job at Nuclear Electric( BNFL) worked with some of the most, mentally challenged people I have ever met. Left that fish pond and joined the infant games console industry as a 3D Artist/Animator. My job has taken me from Gloucester to Walsall, London, Nice and now Vancouver, Bristish Columbia in Canada.
Thus begins my rise to stardom..
I've worked on 15 games across all platforms and I'm now at the forefront of the PSP/PS3 XBOX 360 revolution. I love this job.....
And I met some stars.... enjoy