こんにちわ (konnichiwa, Hello, Hi)
Here's a update of my second trip to the great country of Japan. Lots of cool photos this time around. This time around I did a lot more talking in Japanese, I am getting better, but years to go :-(. I went to see my fiance and her family. It was a very exciting experience. Lots of fun and Sake was had by all. Visited the wonderfull Studio Ghibli, to see the great animation work of Hayao Miyazaki. His works are :
Laputa: Castle in the Sky, Kiki Delivery service, My Neighbour Totoro and my favourite Porco Rosso.
So enough from me here's the photos.
This is the famous Robot from
Laputa: Castle in the Sky.Satchan san, Yasuko san and me.
Yes it is that big !!

This is nice woman called Yumi san, she's into Harajuku style of dress. It's very similar to Camden in London, but the people are more brave here when it comes to experimenting with clothes. Oh and she doesn't where this to the office !

Accurate down to every detail !
Heres Yasuko and Me with some world famous actors.... I promised you I would meet stars in Japan and here they are :-)

Gundam, cool

Yasuko san and Ultraman !

I met these wonderfull people who own and run a traditional Japanese bar called an Izakaya. Hi Kazuno san, Tanaka san and Shini san. I love you bar :-) すごい

Here's Yasuko san and her good friend Kazumi san.

Two very nice ladies in Kimono, who kindly let me take a photo with them. :-)
last but not least... my dinner.... いただきます。。。。。。。。。。。。。

ごちそうさま でした