Sunday, November 27, 2005

I just keep meeting these stars !!

Well there I was just relaxing with my girlfriend in Starbucks on Davie street.
Just chilling having a double mocha choca with a hint of mint plus some cream and a splash of raspberry. Then out of the blue 'Sebastian Spence' star of the cool SCI-FI series 'First Wave (1998-2001)', walks in.

He is a really nice guy. He recently appeared in the news series of Battlestar Galactica as a Pilot on the second Battlestar Pegasus. Vancouver is the coolest place to meet the stars....

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Old Holiday snaps

Hi folks, just thought I would post some old holiday snaps while it's rainging. These photos were taken in Japan this year, plus some old Israel/Jordon photos taken in 1999.
This is of a nice lady who kindly let me take her photo as she was in a traditional kimono. The crazy thing is I've lost my notes of all the names of people I met....

I was in Petra, Jordan in 1999. this is the place that Steven Speilberg used for the final scene for Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Yasuko Asami

Hi just having fun in rainy Vancouver, Yasuko san posing for the camera. Sugoi

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Halloween is Here,

Hi flokes, not a lot to chat about today, Halloween is here and loads of people are dressing up around Vancouver, I only managed to snap one person at work, I even forgot to ask for his name, silly me. Managed to get into Stephos: Greek Restaurant last night, was the best Greek chow I have ever had. Met up with a friend from Japan, Daisuke san, He was loads of fun. I'm doing new artwork so my website and car hunting are on the go slow. Loads of film shoots right now in Vancouver ! I must have walked through three sets in the last week !! very surreal. I also spotted a star from X-MEN 2 at a coffee shop on Saturday. Here's some snaps of me having too much fun.

Well of to work C U soon. :-)

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Hi, I had a nice gift from my girlfriend, my first Kimono. I love it. It is a traditional summer one. Now that I have my BC License, I'm am car hunting, very time consuming. I think there are some new TV series or films doing location shooting outside my apartment again. Always cool to see the stars. I'm sure I saw Daryl Hannah yesterday on Davie Street, Vancouver!
Well of to work I go... C U

Saturday, October 08, 2005


Hi, Got loads of good news, I've been so busy learning how to drive on the right side of the road here in Vancouver, very tricky. But I Passed so now I'm off car hunting. Plus I can now get back to Learning Japanese again. Cool. My Latest PSP game is out to Purchase. TIGER WOODS PGA 2006, it's selling like hot cakes. No new star photos but there's plenty of time till Christmas.

Have a good one.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Some famous people

Dido and me

Maxi Jazz "Faithless" and me

Allison Mack "Chloe Sullivan" and me

One of my million copy selling games

Shannon Lee "Bruce Lee's Daughter" and me

Shannon Lee shot number two :-)

my life up to now

Hi and welcome to my first blog,

I'm going to start by giving a shout out to my friends and family, well not really, just high to all who know me.

So heres the update of my life to now:-

Born in Gloucester UK went to Tredworth Infants and Junior school, life was tough back then lots of crap to deal with mainly from the system and certain individuals who shall remain nameless. Went to Longlevens Secondary modern school, life got better but still crap to deal with from the system and people. Went to College same thing but now began to realise that life is not fare, even when you play buy the rules and beat the system.

At this point so called friends said that I should not try to be more than I am. So I didn't listen to them, listened to family and true friends. went to University of Stafford, made some excellent life friends and enemies... discovered that the world truely is a wonderful and dangerous place.

Came back to Gloucester after graduating... got a job at Nuclear Electric( BNFL) worked with some of the most, mentally challenged people I have ever met. Left that fish pond and joined the infant games console industry as a 3D Artist/Animator. My job has taken me from Gloucester to Walsall, London, Nice and now Vancouver, Bristish Columbia in Canada.

Thus begins my rise to stardom..
I've worked on 15 games across all platforms and I'm now at the forefront of the PSP/PS3 XBOX 360 revolution. I love this job.....

And I met some stars.... enjoy